
our services

Topic formulation

Our discussion highlights the role of theory and self-reflection in the process of research topic refinement. We consider the nature and types of theoretical contribution a research project can make, highlighting some common reasons why journal submissions are often rejected due to failure to provide a theoretical contribution.

Concept Note Writing

Is a brief outline of the project you have in your mind. A simple version of it will include an introduction, a background, proposed objectives, results and a budget overview. Ideally, it should not be more than 2-3 pages unless the donor agency has specific requirements. If you wish to supply extra information, you can always add documents such as your organization profile

Proposal Writing

Proposal writing is the process through which companies create their proposals. For formal RFP responses, the Gold Standard for these proposals is to use the Shipley process. This involves everything from business development to official contract award. We outline the key requirements of the proposal, develop or advise on a strategy to win, and create content to complete all of the components.

Introduction Writing

Introductions should provide a concise overview of the what, why, and how of your project. Our team will then cover these issues in more depth in further sections of your dissertation, such as the Literature Review and Methodology sections. The important thing here is to give the reader a clear idea of exactly what your project is and where it is going.

Literature review Writing

A literature review needs to show that you understand the literature currently on or around your topic. However, its purpose is not only to demonstrate that you have a good grasp of academic work in your chosen field it should also identify what is NOT known and NOT agreed on. This is after all why you are doing this research: to address what is not known or agreed on. Therefore, your literature review does NOT need to explain every piece of academic work.

Research Methodology

Research methodology simply refers to the practical “how” of any given piece of research. More specifically, it’s about how a researcher systematically designs a study to ensure valid and reliable results that address the research aims and objectives. For example, how did the researcher go about deciding: What data to collect (and what data to ignore) Who to collect it from (i “sampling design”) How to collect it (“data collection methods”), How to analyse it (data analysis methods”)

Research Instruments Formulation

A research instrument is a tool used to obtain, measure, and analyze data from subjects around the research topic. You need to decide the instrument to use based on the type of study you are conducting: quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method. For instance, for a quantitative study, you may decide to use a questionnaire, and for a qualitative study, you may choose to use a scale..

Dissertation Data Collection

Data collection is a systematic process of gathering observations or measurements. Whether you are performing research for business, governmental or academic purposes, data collection allows you to gain first-hand knowledge and original insights into your research problem. While methods and aims may differ between fields, the overall process of data collection remains largely the same.

Statistical Analysis

Data analysis is the most crucial part of any research. Data analysis summarizes collected data. It involves the interpretation of data gathered through the use of analytical and logical reasoning to determine patterns, relationships or trends.

Data Presentation & Analysis

The data presentation and analysis chapter presents and analyses data collected from a research. Some of the major issues discussed in this section include the response rate, the demographic profile of the respondents and the main research findings which are discussed as per objective. Findings can either be presented orally (viva) or as a written document (project/ dissertation / thesis) (Robindos Research Consultancy, 2020). At Robindos Research Consultancy we assist our clients to present and analyse their data.

Conclusion & Recommendation

Conclusion and recommendation is the process of making conclusions on the objectives of the study based on the results obtained from the analysis of data. Thereafter, recommendations can be made (Robindos Research Consultancy, 2020). At Robindos Research Consultancy we assist our clients to make and write conclusions and recommendations on the data they would have analysed. Structure of the conclusion and recommendation chapter!!!

Assigments & Research Writing Assistance

An assignment is an academic undertaking that is given to students by their instructor which relies on the student’s own research on a particular topic (Robindos Research Consultancy, 2020). Structure of an assignment!!! There is no fixed structure writing an assignment and usually universities and supervisors provide their preferred structure. However, the common structure at Robindos Research Consultancy is as follows; Introduction, Body and Conclusion


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