What comes to your mind when you read or hear the word RESEARCH METHODOLOGY?

What comes to your mind may include;

  • Coming up with a sample size
  • Methods for conducting the research
  • Data collection
  • Population size

DEFINITION: Research methodology chapter discusses how a research will be carried out in order to meet its aims and objectives (Robindos Research Consultancy, 2020). Blumberg et al., (2005) indicated that the next important step in any research process after study of literature and identifying the research questions is deciding on the most suitable methodology. More so, Collis and Hussey (2003) argued that research methodology is the overall approach to the design process from the hypothetical foundations to the collection of data and analysis adapted for a study. Methodology is therefore the way in which we discover how to go about a task of finding out what we believe to be true. Hence, the research methodology section highlights on the following: research approach of the study, research design, population and sampling design, data collection methods, data analysis methods and ethical considerations (Robindos Research Consultancy, 2020).

Structure of research methodology!!!

There is no fixed structure writing the research methodology chapter and usually universities and supervisors provide their preferred structure. However, the common structure at Robindos Research Consultancy is as follows;

  • Introduction
  • Research design/plan
  • Data collection methods, sampling (i.e. target population, sample and sampling procedures) and research instruments
  • Methods of data presentation and analysis

At Robindos Research Consultancy we assist our clients to write the research methodology section of their dissertation clearly showing what, how and why certain methods are used.

Describing methodology of research!!!

You need to state the purpose of the study and to define the problem clearly. This guides you in deciding the methodology of research which involves:

  • Identifying the method of research; Selecting a research design and describing the procedure to be employed for conducting the research study
  • Specifying the methods of collecting data /source of data
  • Specifying the research subjects and selecting an adequate representative sample of subjects
  • Selecting/constructing valid and reliable instruments for measuring the variables in the problem
  • Describing  how your data is going to be analysed